Primitive reflex

6:06:00 PM

A cute and cozy way of decorating with soft pastels!  ferm LIVING Shelf & Shelf Hangers -

P R I M I T I V E . R E F L E X E S

Early development of baby milestones is marked by primitive reflexes - reflex actions that occur in response to certain stimuli. These primitive reflexes are important for babies to be able to cope alone after nine months being totally supported in the womb.
Primitive reflexes do not usually persist (except the parachute reflex) and persistence can be a sign that all is not well with the neurological system of the baby.
Causes of retain primitive reflexes:
¾    Low birth weight at birth
¾    Prolonged or premature birth
¾    Traumatic birth, suction, forceps, emergency C-section
¾    Severe illness, trauma or injury in infancy
¾    Lack of tummy time
¾    Decreased ability to explore environment in early months
¾    Too much time in bouncer, stroller, or car seat which restricts (if overused) developing motor patterns and pathways
¾    Missing crawling stage

the primitive reflexes:

more reflexes:

and more reflexes:
(picture credits to

Retained primitive reflexes can lead to developmental delays like ADHD, processing disorders & learning disabilities. #health #kids #education:

This kinda useful for me while I'm in ward, clerking patient :)

This was made for med students and is a helpful overview of infant/toddler developmental milestones (reflexes, motor development, etc):

Can read more at here.

simply-divine-creation:  Mary Lauren:

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