Diwali Night by LICA

12:22:00 PM

1 December 2017, was also our Prophet Muhammad's Birthday (12 Rabi' al-awwal). Diwali Night was held on 1 December also. I was nervous. Sebab tak tahu nak pakai baju apa. I have a green lengha blouse and a long black kurti (all borrowed from Gayathri), dunno which to wear. Thank you Gay babe ! Then I need to find a cream-chocolate based shawl. Man, thank God Liyana have it. If not, memang lagi pening la nak cari kat mana shawl colour macam tu. After clothes and shawl, make up ? Hahaha, I asked Liyana to help me put some make up ( actually Liyana yang tolong jadi my MUA). She's really good tho in blending colours using eye pallets. I love it. 30 minutes for make up, and another 30 minutes for browsing internet, especially youtube to see hijab's tutorial and then applied it. I then chose one of the bridal style shawl tutorial by Tudung People


Liyana and Audi already settle with their make up, so we all headed to Kamdar Textiles in the heart of Kota Bharu city. Why Kamdar? because you can get saree at a cheaper price there and the salesgirl will help you wear saree with free of charge. But if you're outsider (not purchasing Kamdar's saree but you're just want the service of salesgirl tolong pakaikan your saree) they charged RM 10/person. Okay-lah.

Meet Liyana Mikayla. Ni la anak Umaira and Azim. Budak kecik comel yang menghiburkan my batch last night.




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