6:02:00 AM

teeny-weenie-ducklings: “joey-wheeler-official: “ pettyartist: “ rookstheravens: “ sigma-enigma: “ mygenderissushi: “ There’s something about Studio Ghibli’s Water physics that I love While it is a...

O R T H O P E D I C  P O S T I N G

Oh well, now I'm already in the 3rd week of this posting. To me, orthopedic is about bone and anatomy. You good at anatomy, you'll pass. But this time, it's not easy as it seems. Dah masuk 3rd week tapi still know nothing. Physical examination and also the special tests for each part of body still blur and I'm unable to examine patient smoothly. Why? 

Since the first week lagi should be thought all the physical examinations so that we can approach patient well in term of examination wise. Orthopedic examination will be short cases, thus examination is very crucial here, hello ? Sigh ~

We were told to read McRae textbook for examinations. I watched couple of videos related to physical examination from youtube. One of specialist in HRPZ, which I love to attached to his clinic every morning told me to watch videos on youtube. He suggested Dr. Nabiel A. Ebraheim's youtube. It was good, full of information and kinda boring, but helpful. I'm gonna learn about hip examination today. Other suggestion would be Geeky Medic's videos.

These are few videos that I recommend for you to watch :

H I P  E X A M I N A T I O N



Articulación de la cadera imprimir acuarela acuarela por LyonRoad
An easy, illustrated guide to your hips muscles and ligaments.

brain info for hip mobility...piriformis pain often mis diagnosed as saitica pain Front of thigh

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