7:11:00 PM

- the state or feeling of being jealous."a sharp pang of jealousy"
synonyms: envy, covetousness;
Jealousy is a complex emotion that encompasses feelings ranging from fear of abandonment to rage and humiliation. Jealousy strikes both men and women and is most typically aroused when a person perceives a threat to a valued relationship from a third party. The threat may be real or perceived.
The thing is.. he got jealous. And I don't know what to do. Hahaha. Inilah dia kalau in a relationship senyap senyap. When his friend call me out of blue, eh kita pulak yang kena marah sebab pick up phone. That time I rasa it's unfair for me to be treated like that. I mean, mana laa I tahu why member tu call me if I tak pick up the phone kan.
Bila ingat balik, kinda funny. I'm scared that kalau these fighting could go worst, luckily tak. The key is to remain calm and try buat dia faham your points. Of course akan ada arguments? But argue wisely. Respect his points and never talk harshly with him. Guys pun ada ego kan. I understand. That's why I prefer be reasonable with him. Try to make him understand and tell him properly about the situation.
Aiyoo, aci tak if I said, I like him more when he got jealous over a guy friend? Hahaha