Me going home?

3:06:00 PM

Duckscarves instagram illustration by Soefara:
Gambar hiasan

Assalammualaikum and hi there. 

First of all, it's been a long time right ?

Oh, about the title of this entry? Yeah! I went back to Malaysia to pursue my study. Pursue is not the right word to use in my situation ! More likely to start fresh. 
Previously I was studying Medicine in Egypt right? Now I'm studying in Lincoln University College at Petaling Jaya. Yuppp, near to the Paradigm guys.

Why so sudden?! - its been a very famous question that I had to answer for those who asked. Phewwww~~

My mom asked me to come home. She was afraid with what's going on in that so-called-most-dangerous-place-in-earth-beside-Palestine. Hahaha. Well guys, you have to know one thing about  Egypt. There is no dangerous things going on in our place. The media made it look freaking bad so that you all interested to read their column or to watch their channels. That's what the journalist do, get matured guys!

Whoa! Before you're telling that to your mummy, you should know that there are also some dangerous place in Egypt which you should avoid to go there like Dataran Tahrir for example. That was a place that very well-known with Muzaharat. What is Muzaharat? In Malay, it is called rusuhan, and in English you called it demonstration. So, if you just stay home and do not go near to the place that having demonstration, you are safe. That's basic.

Well, for the previous years, okay I agree with you guys that Egypt is dangerous. HAHA.

Okay, shut the story out for now.

Where were I? Yeah, about me coming home. I was in the September intake of Lincoln. But, my mom ask me to come home on the last week of October. Mana sempat nak kemas all the things. When you're in Egypt, all the things in your bedroom are yours. So, I can't fit all the things dalam kotak and bawa balik Malaysia kan? So, some of stuffs kena jual kat juniors and seniors. Then I went shopping with the money. Guys, jubah kat Egypt sangat sangat murah! I'm going home for good, takkan I tak shopping jubah kan? Unfortunately, I just bought few only because my bags already full. 

Till the end, I pack, repack, and repack my things in the bag with the help of Pah and Sarah. Egypt was a place I got to know the importance of having real friends. Kat sana mostly we need to berdikari. Semua pun kena buat sendiri even nak beli katil. 

ich weiß nicht wieso, aber diese Bild erinnert mich irgendwie and Steffs und meine Szene in deinem Video:

When you have friends, I mean real friends.. you'll be so thankful. They tried to help you when you needed. They stay with you as long as you want them to. They cried with you when you're having hard times. They make you laugh till you don't even remember why you cried at the first place. Alhamdulillah I have that kind of friends near me. Few. I made a lot of friends sebab I usually not staying in one place for a long time. In that thousands of friends, only two to five people that are really close to me. One of them is Siti Sarah Hassin. I don't know if you follow my instagram, but most of the pictures in there are picture of her with me. I adore her and she is like my family in Egypt :)

These girls brought me to Cairo before I went back home. I know they gonna miss me after this. Me too.


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