The formula of studying is equal to 'student' plus 'dying' - make sense!

11:52:00 PM

Now only I knew how hard the student in Malaysia tried to survive in medicine. What happen to our student in Egypt? 

Serious talk, Egypt was toooooo lenient. I live in Egypt for almost 3 years. Some of them are excellent students, but some of them just 'cukup cukup makan' like I used to be. Haha. In Egypt, there are no such things as assignments or homework that have carry marks. 
We have holidays and we make of the holiday really well. Because we already living in other people's country, we're dying to enjoy their sceneries and cultures as much as we can before going back to Malaysia and Instagram seems to be really useful to share the moments.

In Malaysia, especially when you're a medicine student.. you will never had chances to watch RunningMan. Kalau ada masa pun, confirm tak dapat tengok sampai habis. Presentations and assignments are piled over. Haha sampai naik pening tak tahu nak buat yang mana satu dulu. Semua pun due hari dekat dekat. 

Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.

So macam mana aku study kat Malaysia? Kerja memang bertimbun and assignments jadi berganda sebab aku kena juga buat assignment yang sebelum ni and due untuk hantar pun sama dengan assignment yang baru. Dulu kat Mesir aku selalu tidur awal, sebab kelas aku pagi je and setiap hari only one hour class.  Now? Dengan assignment bertimbun, weekends pun tak rasa macam weekends. Aku sekarang tidur pun paling lewat pkul 1 pagi, kadang tu pukul 3 pagi. Library Lincoln tu dah macam tempat lepak aku lepas kelas. Assignment semua at least suku pun jadilah dapat siapkan kat library tu. Penat memang penat. Tapi at least aku nampak kat mana hardwork aku en? Kalau kat Mesir satu hari tu boleh marathon RunningMan sampai 4-5 episodes weh! Nak sentuh buku international pun malas sebab tak ada keperluan. Semua bergantung pada buku ghamaah.

Sampai sini, first thing doktor bagitahu ialah jenis buku rujukan yang dia selalu pakai, which is memang aku dah pinjam kat library. 

Biochemistry - Harper's

Physiology - Guyton's

Anatomy - Snell's

Physiology kalau nak baca Gannong's pun boleh sebab aku minat lagi Gannong's dari Guyton's. Untuk Anatomy, aku beli dah Gray's Anatomy kat Maarub khutub, Cairo. Tapi kat sini dia nak Snell's pulak dah. First time aku dengar lecturer nak guna buku international, I was like... speechless for 10 secs. I dont even know how to understand the International books. I used to bergantung pada slides the doctors gave to us. But, it was too brief and I need to access internet and look out of the reference book. Nak beli agak mahallah kalau yang original. Harper's aku pinjam library since library ada plenty of it. Guyton's aku tak jumpa lagi. Haih.

Sempat jugaklah aku pergi jalan jalan kat Paradigm. Yeah, being a medicine student bukan senang. Tapi, sebab kau dah pilih bidang ni, bukan senang nak give up and start fresh bidang lain. I walk slowly, but I'll never walk backward. Try survive kayy, future doctors? 

Sometimes, kau need to step outside, hirup udara segar and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be. Keep going. No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to yourself,"there's no point to carry on", no matter how many people tell you that you can't do it - keep going. Don't quit.
Don't quit, because a month from now you will be that much closer to your goal than you are now. Yesterday you said tomorrow. Make today count.

Okay, if nothing's going right.. then go left! Hahaha, just kidding. 

Bila ada assignments, terus buat. Jangan tangguh, jangan postpones. Ntah ntah esk lusa doktor tambah lagi kerja. Setiap minggu pun jadual betukar kalau kat Malaysia ni. Have faith guys. Tak ada siapa kata medicine ni mudah. I'm not telling you it is going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth.
Tapi kau kena kuat, physically and mentally. There's is no elavator to success, you need to take the stairs. 

When something bad happened, you have three choices; you can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.

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