Selamat Hari Raya
4:01:00 PMSelamat hari raya
So this year Aidilfitri, aku sambut di utagha. First time. Yet, its still awesome and spotted such beautiful-kind-hearted people here.
May ALLAH shower His blessing for another beautiful Aidilfitri onwards.
Well, might wanna be ringan tulang sikit after this because final exam is on 3rd August.
Aidilfitri in a nut shell : well spent with awesome people.
Couldn't find a proper baju kurung, came up with mix and match instead *sigh*
We spent some time to relocate where the firecrackers uncle sell his merchandise (yeah bro, all the cousins drive and convoi just to seek bunga api sampai ke tengah bendang). Finally, I got to play bunga api.
On first day of Aidilfitri : of course photo session is a MUST.
Meet little Chappy - yeah she got a 'janggut'. HAHA.