Hydatidiform Mole : Case Scenario

1:38:00 PM

What Are The Required Investigations?  Quantities serum β hCG  Free T4  Protein in urine  Rescanning after one week in a  ...
β hCG :80,000 mµ/ml  Free T4 : 2µg/ml (N 0.3-1.7µg/ml)  Protein in urine: Negative U/S Tertiary center report:Molar pregna...

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The Patients Elects To Continue ThePregnancy. How Can We Manage? Close maternal surveillance for development of preeclamps...
When Must Pregnancy Be Terminated ? Development of preeclampsia or hyperthyroidism. Fetal karyotype is not normal dioploid...

Molar pregnancy

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CREDIT : Slideshare

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