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Surgery: Female Inguinal Hernia Repair | Butter Nutrition

You’d think becoming a major box office draw with 7 movies (including GI Joe and Pain and Gain) coming out this year alone would be enough for Dwayne Johnson. But no, in January Johnson’s alter ego, WWE’s “The Rock” made a comeback in his first in-ring appearance since April 2012. He defeated superstar CM Punk …

Instant Anatomy - Abdomen - Areas/Organs - Inguinal region - Inguinal canal

Indirect vs Direct Hernia Inguinal Hernias Bimodal: < 1 and > 40 Direct: Protrudes directly through Hesselbach's triangle and medial to the inferior epigastric artery (IEA) Bulge ↓ upon reclining Indirect: ​​Most common Protrudes through internal ring, lateral to IEA ​Medial to IEA: Direct; Lateral to IEA: Indirect (MDs dont LIe) Strangulation risk: indirect > direct Nonreducible hernia: emergent surgery consultation

A hernia develops when a weakness that forms in the abdominal wall enables part of the intestine (bowel) or another organ to protrude through it. Among the most common are umbilical hernias that occur at the navel and inguinal hernias that are seen in the groin area. There are 2 types of inguinal...

Do you often suffer from abdominal or groin pain?? Know the basics of hernia here at HHC!  Have a quick glance at the most common causes and symptoms of each type of hernia, major risk factors, and latest technology treatment alternatives. Moreover, we help you know why to opt for a modern hernia surgery rather than the conventional open surgery and how to go about the prevention of hernia at home. To know more visit –

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