Definition of Pain.
12:28:00 PMDefinition of pain.
It comes in all forms. The small twinge, a bit of soreness,
the random pain that we live with every day.
Then there is that kind of pain you just can’t ignore,
a level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else,
makes the rest of your world fade away until all we can
think about
is how much we hurt, how we manage our pain is up to us.
We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it,
And for some of us the best way to manage pain is to just
push through it.
Was I too naïve in
trusting people? Too much to care, too much to handle, and
Too much pain in the end.
What makes us look more pitiful than ever is that we endure
and all the stuffs and things that need to be said left hanging and unspoken.
Some things are better to be unspoken.
You’re twisting the plot of story, dear one. You wanted to
end your relationship, and you use people as excuses. Friends aren’t supposed
to betray each other, or were they?
Being bitchy doesn’t suit you really well. Don’t drag others
into miserable when you alone already found happiness. It won’t last. And if it
didn’t, congratulation.
So in the end, some of the greatest pain become the greatest